Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grain Dryer + Chinook = Capsize

We have these strong winter wind storms up here in the great white north.  They are called Chinook's.  We also have plow winds.  They are very different and both can be dangerous.  I prefer a Chinook.  Why you ask?  Well, because it is WARM!  It can be -40 F and with a Chinook it will warm up to +40 F over night.  It will stay warm until the Chinook moves on.  We have had them last two weeks.  The winter break they give is so wonderful, but normally it is just a bit of wind that warms it up 10 degrees and only stays for a few hours.  Now a plow wind can only be described as a sideways tornado.  And it does not warm up the air.  Now most years we get Chinooks one or two times a year and plow winds we can generally avoid because we, unlike a lot of neighbors, have lots of trees.  They can and do knock over trees, but in general our area seems to not have very many of these.  

So this winter is very odd.  Instead of having one or two small Chinook's, we had a huge long one.  It started with the winds.  They came from the south and south west.  Strong enough to shack the house, blow out windows and over turn equipment.  Our grain dryer was the worst hit.  It was on it's stand, all secure, and has been for years.  Yet the unrelenting winds did not care.  Gusting to over 120 km.  Luckily the grain truck wasnt damaged too.  But the grain truck stopped the grain dryer from going anywhere.  A grain dryer is normally very round and stands in the air.  Well, not anymore.  

You can see part of the grain dryer top is under the truck and the metal sides that keep the grain in is all bent up.  The center is luckily untouched, but the screens are destroyed.

The screens around the outside are normally attached to each other.  You can see on the right that it is fully open and on the left you can see how smashed up it really is.

Once spring hits (as our temps are back below 0 again) and all the snow melts we will stand it up and see if we can straighten any of the screens.  A good hammer and a welder and we hope we can fix it.  We will know later in the summer.

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